Useful Links

Useful Links

Park Hill Primary


Click on buttons below to access school policies: 

Accessibility Policy

Admissions Policy 

Art & Design Policy

 Asthma Policy

Attendance Policy 

Behaviour & Discipline Policy 

Birmingham Curriculum Statement

Breakfast Club Policy 

Charging & Remissions Policy

Code of Conduct for Parents and Carers Policy

Collective Worship Policy

Computing Policy

Design & Technology Policy

 EAL Policy

Emergency Procedure when a Child is not Collected Policy

English Policy and Statement of Intent

Equal Opportunities Policy

 EYFS Policy

Fundraising Policy

GDPR Information Security Policy

GDPR Privacy Notice

GDPR Access Control Policy

Gifts & Hospitality Policy

History Policy

Homework Policy

Inclusion Policy

Intimate Care Policy

 LAC Policy

Local Offer - Parents

Local Offer Schools & Settings

Manual Handling Policy 

Maths Policy

 Medical Needs Policy

MFL - Spanish Policy

Accident, Incident & Near Miss Policy

Mobile Phone Policy

Music Policy

No Platform Policy

P.E. Policy

Privacy Notice - Nursery

Privacy Notice for Pupils

Privacy Notice for Staff

Park Hill Complaints Policy

Park Hill Data Protection Policy

Park Hill Health & Safety Policy

 Park Hill Letting policy

Park Hill On-line Safety Policy

 Park Hill Privacy Notice - Parent Carers

Park Hill Privacy Notice Staff Governor Volunteer

 Park Hill Privacy Notice - Visitors

English Policy

 Park Hill School FOI Publication scheme

Privacy Notice for Staff

RE Policy

 RHE Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

School Uniform Policy

 School Visitors Policy

Science Policy

Security Policy

SEND Policy

Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy

 Social Media Policy