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Park Hill Primary

Admissions Arrangements

Park Hill  has  the following published admissions numbers:


Reception 30                            
Year 1  30
Year 2
Year 3


Year 4 


Year 5


Year 6






 The school follows the LA guidelines when admitting pupils to all years groups. Initial allocations to Reception are still administered by the LA.

Any in-year transfers are dealt with by the School directly. Parents are required to complete an application form and provide proof of date of birth and home address. When a place can be offered a pre-admission meeting is arranged with the Head Teacher.

In the event of an over subscribed year group we maintain a waiting list and places are offered when available again following the LA guidelines.


To View our Admissions policy please click HERE

To download an Application for a Change of School (in-year) please click HERE

This application form needs to be filled in and returned to the school office.

You will also need to  bring along your child's original birth certificate  and proof of address (eg. utility or council tax bill).